Today, Ryder's explorations took him outside in the backyard, and into the pond. I'll be saying prayers of thanks forever because just yesterday we pumped the pond water out. What was left was slimy, stinky algae with a bit of water. I know the Lord watches over these children.
Bill was inside helping Mason with his homework, while I was busy clearing papers and going over the schedule for the week. We left the back door open to enjoy the warm weather. I knew Hunter was outside--and he always takes care of Ryder--but what I failed to notice was that Hunter was chatting with the cute neighbor girl (who is visiting her grandmother) across the fence. If you look carefully you'll see Hunter in the background. I'll be busy getting my exercise this summer, for sure.
Bill was inside helping Mason with his homework, while I was busy clearing papers and going over the schedule for the week. We left the back door open to enjoy the warm weather. I knew Hunter was outside--and he always takes care of Ryder--but what I failed to notice was that Hunter was chatting with the cute neighbor girl (who is visiting her grandmother) across the fence. If you look carefully you'll see Hunter in the background. I'll be busy getting my exercise this summer, for sure.