Jul 23, 2008

What Goes Up Must Come Down

McBride NewsFlash: Ryder puked all over last night and first thing this morning; followed by a wicked amount of diarrhea. He is resting comfortably now.

I'm getting good at cleaning up vomit. We have a Shark steam cleaner that I don't think I could live without. I don't know what I did before we got it.

Here is another handy tip: Instead of buying those expensive flushable wipes, buy a foam soap dispenser, empty the soap it came with, then fill it with a little baby wash and water. Now squirt some on toilet paper and do your business. Works great! So much cheaper, too! The boys were a little hesitant, but I put a label on the dispenser that says Fun Bum Foam. It helps. Anything to make life a little bit easier, I say.

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Ernie and Oscar learn they like different things-great for kids on the Spectrum!