We are a family living on the Autism Spectrum. We are all from the same gene pool--the deep end. Bring your towel, you may just get wet.
Nov 30, 2008

Nov 20, 2008

Essential fatty acids
Magnesium Citrate
Occupational Therapy
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Speech and Language Therapy
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid or folate)
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)
GFCF diet
vitamin B 12 injections
Nov 15, 2008

The kids keep passing a virus around. Mason missed three days of school last week, and now Hunter and Ryder have it. They have fevers, red bumps on the very back of their tongue, a sore throat and headache. Sometimes I will "run energy" on the kids when they are sick.
Last Spring I took a class on Energy Healing Therapy. It is really interesting--how every living thing has energy and how we can focus that energy and turn it into a healing experience. Here is a little bit about it taken from www.quantumtouch.com.
Everything vibrates. When two things vibrate at different frequencies, there is a tendency for the vibrations to come together. Most often, the slower vibration will rise to match the faster frequency. There are many kinds of examples of entrainment: over time, similarly tuned electric oscillators will match frequencies; disembodied animal hearts when placed near each other and kept alive in a lab will all beat in unison; and when women share a dormitory, over months they will often start menstruating at the same time.
Healing is a fascinating process which is generally very poorly understood. While many people think they can heal other people, it is of utmost importance to realize that all healing is self-healing. Ultimately, cells heal themselves. Cells desire to be well, and given the right energetic, emotional and nutritional environments, they will do just that. The body has an extraordinary intelligence and ability to heal itself. My favorite definition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well; a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.--Richard Gordon
I've been trying to practice and study it and get my 60 credit hours in so I can become a practictioner. It is so calming and relaxing and I can certainly benefit from this bonus, too!
Nov 11, 2008

Here is an example of what Hunter is working on in speech therapy using idioms. See if you can pick the correct answer!
1. Whenever people argue, Joe puts his head in the sand.
a. Joe thinks arguments are as much fun as a sandbox.
b. Every time people argue, Joe pretends he is invisible.
c. Joe tries to ignore people when they argue.
2. Every time I turn around, Martha has a new cat.
a. Martha has one cat after another.
b. Whenever I twirl, Martha gets a new cat.
c. I can't believe how quickly Martha gets a new cat.
3. Let's mend our fences before school gets out for the summer.
a. Before it's summer, let's make sure all our fences are fixed.
b. Let's make up before summer starts.
c. We should settle our differences before the summer starts.
4. An apology was on the tip of Katie's tongue.
a. Katie was almost ready to say she was sorry.
b. Katie had a sore tongue.
c. Katie was just about to apologize.
5. When Dad asks Jim to do something, it goes in one ear and out the other.
a. Jim doesn't listen when his dad wants him to do something.
b. Jim quickly forgets what his dad asks him to do.
c. Jim's dad can send messages right through Jim's head.
Actually, I don't have the answers, but I think "C" is a good one for all of them except #5. That would be "b."
Nov 7, 2008

Will I miss Bill's 11 pens in his right pants pocket?
Will I miss his giant pickle jar filled with quarters devoted to the USA Today's weekly edition of basketball stats?
Will I miss his endless aches and pains?
Will I miss the methodical way that he eats fried chicken-crunching and nibling ever so slightly on the tiniest of bones?
Will I miss his growing collection of crossword puzzles with each page finished in pencil and the time it took to finish it highlighted at the top?
Will I miss his quest for descriptive details?
Will I miss the way he can't hear his alarm go off?
Will I miss his hourly (it seems) bathroom episodes?
Will I miss the quirky way he ties his shoes and matches his clothes like Cousin Eddy?
In the present, I would miss his help in changing Ryder's diapers.
I would miss his taking the garbage out.
I would miss his help with bathing the kids.
I would miss his staying up late "just in case one of the kids wakes up".
I would miss his cleaning up vomit in the middle of the night after Hunter or Ryder has a seizure. I would miss the candy bar he buys me every time he fills his car up with gas.
I would miss how he holds the door open for me even when it really isn't logical.
I would miss having a walking dictionary.
Nov 3, 2008
The doctor decided to go ahead and hook him up to the EEG and do it anyway, even if he was awake. Well, guess what...he fell asleep. (Is that all we needed to do?!)
Last I heard, Ryder no longer held the record. A two year old had passed him up.
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