Apr 12, 2010


How do you know if you are doing too much? The little things that are associated with Autism are so time consuming. It is definitely a job. I'm sure I spend 40 plus hours a week dealing with it. (DEEP BREATH)
Everything from signing forms, saving GFCF food receipts for tax purposes, documenting visits to doctors for taxes, creating supplement forms to keep track of, creating job charts, raising awareness and participating in the local Autism community meetings as secretary, driving here and there and everywhere, phone calls to get medication refills, participating in a family Autism Research project, where info is updated periodically, trying to update my blog, weekly meetings with therapists, meeting similar moms for lunch, IEP meetings, meetings with Social Security, volunteering up at the women's prison with crafts class (nothing to do with Autism), helping the boys work on scouting and homework and chores, appointments for Ryder's AFO's, eyeglasses, teeth grinding (dentist), seizures, tubes in his ears this week, pick up diapers and pull-ups, visiting teaching plus calling all ladies and entering info on church computer, appointments with Medicaid/Health and Welfare, DAN dr appts, documenting behaviors and progress, art lessons for Hunter, and cleaning, repairing, shopping, laundry, cooking, and LOTS of decision making.
I always try and go with my gut and listen to the spirit. The best time for me to do this is in the middle of the night when all is quiet or just after waking in the morning. This is when a lot of ideas and direction come to mind. Then it is time to act. Like right now, gotta go pick up Ryder from school. It's an early release day.

I'd love to write more and have fun with it, but alas, time has escaped me once again.

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Ernie and Oscar learn they like different things-great for kids on the Spectrum!