Paradise Lane |
Our trip to Mulino, Oregon, outside of Portland, was a success. This was our first attempt to go together as a family on a vacation that wasn't just an overnight local trip. We visited my sister Liane and her hubby Paul, and cute little girl Maddy (age 3) and handsome dude, Woody (age 2), who moved there from Salt Lake City last February.
We followed my mom and dad and another sister Alana, and her four kids (Raine, Aspen, Ethan and Lily) on this journey.
The backyard |
Following my dad left me feeling very anxious because of his infamous shortcuts. Before this trip, we had talked my parents into buying a GPS and getting familiar with it, but apparently my dad just ignored the automated voice and kept driving like he's
The Boss.
We drove through desert, hills and valleys and along the Colombia River. Ryder was so good the entire trip, I almost thought we left him at home. After 13 hours, we arrived on Paradise Lane, where we would stay for a week. True to it's title, it was paradise.
The thick, green trees and overgrown canopies were breathtaking. Moss grew everywhere including on the roofs!
My sister, Alana, made miniature fairy houses to hide in the trees for our niece and nephew. They were so cute and fun to find. (Now the neighbor kids all search for them.) Wish I took a picture of them.
Enjoy the pics. Sorry for the bad formatting. I don't have time to mess around with it right now. :)
---My sister Liane and husband Paul with Maddy.
Liane and Ethan----
----Hunter and Aspen
Their neighbor's tree house--

---Awesome moss, wish my camera could do it justice.
;----Grandpa Myers is in heaven.
Ryder looking content or is that sleepy?--
The whole trip when by so fast. The kids went on free, miniature train rides, where we discovered that wild berries were everywhere.... Yum. We went a-foraging.
;---What is this doing here...you might ask? Well, this is my dad's latest hot topic. If you have a free hour or two, have a seat because he'll tell you all about it. These medical secrets will redefine aging as we know it. :)
A neighbor has beautiful property by the river and we were able to picnic there. ------
My sis and hubby live right next to his brother, on Paradise Lane.
They let the kids ride bikes. Ryder loved this! ---
One day we went to The Enchanted Forest, which in my opinion, for kids on the spectrum...beats Disneyland hands down! The weather is perfect, no long lines, and the staff was so thoughtful. One staff member gave us all free snow cones because Ryder reminded her of her brother who has autism. Bonus!
---Here is Woody escaping something...
Once again, I wish my camera could do these pics justice. I love the rich greenery.---------------
----Bill and Ryder enjoying The Little Old Lady That Lived in the Shoe.
Ryder trying to get into a door that doesn't r
eally open. :) ---
----Sadie and Aunt Liane
Grandma and Grandpa Myers------
---Look! A real telephone booth! Haven't seen one of those in years.
Ryder loves smoke because of its "wispy-ness".
Bill studying the landscape for catching crawdads. |
Big Man Mason |
Hunter building a sandcastle |
Maddy |
Lily and Aspen |
Ryder in heaven |
Playing |
One Giant Stimulating Factor | | | |